Recent content by BigMike

  1. B

    Would shaggin' a lot have any "negative" side effects?

    The only negative I experience is that I'm not in the mood very often. I think I now take sex for granted. The only time I want to is when it's with a new girl...I've been "trying" to cut back for the last few months.
  2. B

    Parents babysitter....Oooops

    So here's my current situation: I recently got involved with my parents babysitter (20yo hb7.5) Now she's a great girl though a bit immature, but not too much. I do like the girl, but have no interest in having a GF as I got out of a long relationship in May/June and want to stay free...
  3. B

    Girls with headphones

    I just get EC and smile. The interested ones take off an earplug usually.
  4. B

    myspace can either work for you or against you

    On the most part I agree, but if you check those guys (with no shirts on) they are usually the guys with tons of girls commenting...Something to think about it.
  5. B

    Is Goatee sexy or not?

    I'm bald with a goatee and sideburns connecting all the way down to my beard. Girls seem so like me this way...I think it just has to do with grooming. Mine looks like it was just done, so they see that you take care of yourself
  6. B

    How to Approach: Smooth

    that sounds just like the kind of **** I do! I love making them laugh in the first 5 seconds. Really warms em up big time. that's a great one.:woo:
  7. B

    My Myspace profile has been getting great reviews!

    Just put stuff that applies to you. I put all true things, so they show when meeting in real life. Seeming confident and funny (but not too funny) were my goals with that. I think thats what is conveyed when reading my profile.
  8. B

    how to make a girl hav confidence on a guy?

    I honestly have no idea what you're asking here... What does "give them confidence" mean?
  9. B

    My Myspace profile has been getting great reviews!

    I figured some stuff would get used. That's why I posted it! I stole it from this chick who emailed me 100 things about her or something.
  10. B

    My Myspace profile has been getting great reviews!

    This was the most simple thing to do and many females are responding to it. Thought I'd share... I just have this under "about me" and they seem to like it for some reason: Random thoughts about and from Mike I am the most confident person you will ever meet. I am the life of the...
  11. B

    Have you ever #close for a friend? My delimma

    I was in a sort of similar situation and just kept the chick for myself... He had no cell and used mine to get this girls #. Long story short, she calls looking for him and realizes its me and starts with lots of interest towards me...He says I can keep her after hearing a voicemail...
  12. B

    FR: At the gym

    We gotta do a Boston meet-up one of these weekends! We can have a massive field report from a large club.