Recent content by Big Bad Wolf

  1. B

    Where do you draw the line?

    She is a very attractive older woman and is constantly hit on, I have no problem with that. But how long do I put up with it from an individual? She works in a male dominated culture. She is a realtor and gets lots of these opportunities based on her looks. Burning bridges isn't an option to...
  2. B

    Where do you draw the line?

    At what point do you draw the line between being insecure and not putting up with sh@t? What to do in this situation? A man asking my girlfriend out/constantly hitting on her even though he knows she has a boyfriend. She is selling Condo's for him, he is the builder. She is tied to him...
  3. B

    how to react when she flakes?

    I felt exactly the same was as you VR when I initially started seeing a particular woman, no big deal I will act like I dont care...WRONG...Do not put up with that BS, you need to tell her if she is going to flake on you then you dont have anymore time for her. This is the only way to handle...
  4. B

    Why can't women accept...

    Why can't women accept the fact that they got dumped soley because of themselves? I have left two women (LTR and STR) in the past 6 months because of their attitudes/personalities, yet both of them refuse to accept that fact. It is always, there is someone else, who are you seeing, there has...
  5. B

    So attracted she's scared?

    Bon - I made a big effort, the problem was she wasnt making any effort at all. Yea, I would get lip service all day long, compliments out the ass (i.e. I would drink your sweat), she would say she wanted to see me, etc. She was all talk and no action most of the time. IMO she is an big AW...
  6. B

    So attracted she's scared?

    Bonhomme I went through this same ordeal for 3 months. She would talk about how much she wanted me, blah blah blah...when I finally would get her to see me, she was all over me, sex, sex, sex. But she would play those stupid games like not returning my phone callls (I would maybe call her...
  7. B

    Fed Up Waiting

    I agree with the above posters, just go on the date. If you must say something to her, then tell her that you are no longer waiting on her to decide on how she feels or what she wants from you and that you are moving on. Don't wait on women, I assure you they won't wait on you.
  8. B

    got played bad. how to get out of it?

    I just ended a fling with an AW. My situation is kind of like yours, I have to work with her. Besides good morning, I totally ignore her, which of course she doesn't like. There are alot of women where I work and I get alot of attention from them. So, I ignore the AW and give lots of...
  9. B

    SMS - Fine! In Person - Arggh!!!

    I would refuse to chat with her over IM, if her actions in person do not show that she is interested in seeing you then do not give her the satisfaction of IMin her. Girls will be a lot more candid when they are not talking to you in person. I'm not saying it is a lost cause, but ROI probably...
  10. B

    Advice needed - Nextin a coworker

    I thought she took it well, she didnt say anything, she only asked if I was going to be mean to her (i told her NO, of course). I am not mad at her, I just got fed up with her BS. It will be hard not to flirt with other women, they flirt with me all the time, non-stop contant flirting. No...
  11. B

    Advice needed - Nextin a coworker

    I just told the woman I was seeing/having sex with that I no longer want to see her anymore; she is a model for this post - She happens to be a coworker of mine, so how should I act towards her at work? I have yet to see...