Recent content by Absent Minded

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    Kissing Help

    i have..ive also read some websites like which is very great but i dont think its helping at all :\ i just want to satisfy her, you know?
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    Kissing Help

    Ok me and my girlfriend just started kissing not too long ago. this is the 2nd person ive ever kissed, and to tell you the truth i dont have a damn clue what im doing. my ex girlfriend used to always lead, and her ex boyfriend used to always lead, and we both dont really know how to lead. i need...
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    Asking her to a dance

    ya its turnabout but nobody cares lol, but i will follow its all good's advice today at school
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    i dont like too much rock, but the anthem is good
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    Asking her to a dance

    instead of asking her to the dance, i got her number instead :) would it be ok to ask over the phone?
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    Asking her to a dance

    alot of people have already said we look cute together :P Thanks abcd, i will take your advice. ill tell you how it goes after school tomorrow
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    Asking her to a dance

    kiss her? i dont go out with her :P but now that i remember, she did kiss me on the cheek before, and she plays with my hair alot :P But then again, she just got out of a relationship like 2 weeks ago, and im not sure if shes ready for another relationship. Cuz i remember at the event we was...
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    now see if only the smiley was there :p
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    Asking her to a dance

    Dunno about your school, but ours is having our Turnabout Dance around valentines day. Well if you remember my old thread about 'how long to wait', this relates to the same girl. We've been friends for long enough time..we hug whenever we have the chance and play around alot. I think its time...
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    Hmm why not. Not everyone likes that kind of music. 2pac and eminem really does make you feel better through hard times, if only you knew. Not everyone was brought up the way you were, it depends on your taste. If you like rap then go my way if u like rock or whatever go your way, but dont say...
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    Dancing - I suck

    Re: Dance Moves And what were these vids called? ;) :)
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    I listen to music. Artists such as eminem & 2pac really help me through depressing times.
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    How long to wait?

    hmm, how should i ask for her number? would a simple "can i have your number" do? im also planning to ask her to our upcoming dance, would a simple "do you hate a date for turnabout?" "no" "would you like to go with me?" do the trick? Thanks in advance
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    A Guranteed Way To Get Noticed By Hot Girls!!!!!

    No, HE EVEN SPELLED IT OUT!!! :rolleyes:
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    How long to wait?

    Simple question i long should i wait to ask a girl out if she has just broken up with her boyfriend, for the 2nd time? Its obvious she likes me...but i wont get into that, i would just like to know how long i should wait before i make my move.