Junk Food


Master Don Juan
May 3, 2013
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I’ve eaten pretty clean for a while. I eat a lot of bone broth soups which make me feel amazing - otherwise it’s eggs, veg etc. seafood.

I had a seriously stressful day and as I often do after, I had junk food, for about a day and a half. kFC, McDonald’s, subway.

It’s only when you’re not used to it you see what absolute trash it is. I feel like I have a 10 pint hangover. I feel lethargic, depressed. I am having to drink water as I feel like so much salt has dried me out. I have a constant low grade headache.

You do start to wonder whether these massive brands are trying to make people ill, or at least low energy and easy to manage. Perhaps they are farming humans with big pharma ready to offer the pills for the ineviateble disease. Possible a conspiracy theory too far. Whatever the weather, even if it’s the much more likely play on evolutionary need for salt sugar and fat to line their pockets at our expense, this food is poison.

I’ve noticed this before and bizzarely I’ve found McDonalds being the best of a bad bunch. I don’t feel sick after but KFC consistently makes me feel like I’ve drank 2 bottle of whisky.

I’m currently making a bone broth soup with fresh veg to try to purge this.

Bottom line is that fast food - especially the big global brands, should be considered in the same league as smoking and drinking. Only after abstinence I realise it’s utter poison.


Sep 10, 2014
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I’ve eaten pretty clean for a while. I eat a lot of bone broth soups which make me feel amazing - otherwise it’s eggs, veg etc. seafood.

I had a seriously stressful day and as I often do after, I had junk food, for about a day and a half. kFC, McDonald’s, subway.

It’s only when you’re not used to it you see what absolute trash it is. I feel like I have a 10 pint hangover. I feel lethargic, depressed. I am having to drink water as I feel like so much salt has dried me out. I have a constant low grade headache.

You do start to wonder whether these massive brands are trying to make people ill, or at least low energy and easy to manage. Perhaps they are farming humans with big pharma ready to offer the pills for the ineviateble disease. Possible a conspiracy theory too far. Whatever the weather, even if it’s the much more likely play on evolutionary need for salt sugar and fat to line their pockets at our expense, this food is poison.

I’ve noticed this before and bizzarely I’ve found McDonalds being the best of a bad bunch. I don’t feel sick after but KFC consistently makes me feel like I’ve drank 2 bottle of whisky.

I’m currently making a bone broth soup with fresh veg to try to purge this.

Bottom line is that fast food - especially the big global brands, should be considered in the same league as smoking and drinking. Only after abstinence I realise it’s utter poison.
Yeah, after I eat properly for a long period of time, when I have a random cheat day and get something like that my body almost revolts...diarrhea, stomach gurgling, etc...

I don't know how people eat that everyday.


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
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It depends entirely on what you get from fast food chains. There are healthier options at all of them. McDonalds has decent wraps and salads, Wendy’s has good chili, Taco Bell has veggie tacos, Panda Express has grilled chicken and rice bowls, Chick Fil-A has grilled chicken Sandwiches and Nuggets, etc etc. However, I think KFC ditched their grilled chicken due to poor sales.

Funny story- I was on the beach in Jersey last summer. About ten teenagers show up with Popeyes and sit about 15 feet from me. They eat for a bit, then head down to the water. They left all their food open and the seagulls came swarming in. The birds gorged on the biscuits, looking like complete junkies eating it. Then the seagulls hovered over the chicken, smelled it, looked at it funny, then flew off.


Sep 10, 2014
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It depends entirely on what you get from fast food chains. There are healthier options at all of them. McDonalds has decent wraps and salads, Wendy’s has good chili, Taco Bell has veggie tacos, Panda Express has grilled chicken and rice bowls, Chick Fil-A has grilled chicken Sandwiches and Nuggets, etc etc. However, I think KFC ditched their grilled chicken due to poor sales.

Funny story- I was on the beach in Jersey last summer. About ten teenagers show up with Popeyes and sit about 15 feet from me. They eat for a bit, then head down to the water. They left all their food open and the seagulls came swarming in. The birds gorged on the biscuits, looking like complete junkies eating it. Then the seagulls hovered over the chicken, smelled it, looked at it funny, then flew off.
McDonalds and Wendy's both got rid of their grilled chicken sandwiches also which was something I got every once in a while.

Personally, any restaurant food is usually going to contain a ton of sodium which will likely cause water retention and weight gain in the short term so I tend to avoid it unless it's a cheat day.


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2021
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A vicious cycle of abstaining from the nasty fast food, then forgetting why I abstained, and indulge, then remembering again why I abstained. The longest I've gone without was 5 years. With their prices, at this point, it's probably better to get bar food.


Master Don Juan
May 3, 2013
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It depends entirely on what you get from fast food chains. There are healthier options at all of them. McDonalds has decent wraps and salads, Wendy’s has good chili, Taco Bell has veggie tacos, Panda Express has grilled chicken and rice bowls, Chick Fil-A has grilled chicken Sandwiches and Nuggets, etc etc. However, I think KFC ditched their grilled chicken due to poor sales.

Funny story- I was on the beach in Jersey last summer. About ten teenagers show up with Popeyes and sit about 15 feet from me. They eat for a bit, then head down to the water. They left all their food open and the seagulls came swarming in. The birds gorged on the biscuits, looking like complete junkies eating it. Then the seagulls hovered over the chicken, smelled it, looked at it funny, then flew off.
I’m a limey hence I only recognise McDonald’s and KFC.

Our best bet here is kebab shops. They sell very cheap pizza and chips etc but they also do grilled chicken shish with salad and pitta.

I’d be very curious to try these brands as I’veheard of them. The Hispanic food ones wont catch on as we don’t have tons of Hispanic people like in states. Tacos and burritos are like specialist places (don’t like them much when we have Indian curry houses here!)

I’ve heard of Denny’s. We have a plave called frankie and bennys which I think is the same - cheap breakfasts and solid meals.

Sadly I had an incident in an airport with a big bag of hashish when I was 20 years old which put me on interpol so I’ve always been scared to go to the states. I was let off with a caution (thanks Italy you cool cool people) but the US visa asks for any arrests and I’m too chicken to lie….the thought of being chucked in a US jail even for 5 hours fills me with fear. Perhaps I’ll have to hire a good lawyer to visit one day. Or write to Joe Biden, he seems pretty cool with foreign criminals so I’ll have to do it before his Alzheimer’s fully kicks in


Master Don Juan
May 3, 2013
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A vicious cycle of abstaining from the nasty fast food, then forgetting why I abstained, and indulge, then remembering again why I abstained. The longest I've gone without was 5 years. With their prices, at this point, it's probably better to get bar food.
this. Easy to forget although my longest is about 2 months lol.


Sep 10, 2014
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A vicious cycle of abstaining from the nasty fast food, then forgetting why I abstained, and indulge, then remembering again why I abstained. The longest I've gone without was 5 years. With their prices, at this point, it's probably better to get bar food.
I will have a cheat day once a week or once every two weeks where this stuff is in play. Actually can help with continued weight loss from resetting leptin levels and honestly has little effect with it being that infrequent.


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2021
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I will have a cheat day once a week or once every two weeks where this stuff is in play. Actually can help with continued weight loss from resetting leptin levels and honestly has little effect with it being that infrequent.
I notice the feeling even with one meal. Though I realize they do help when used right. Which is why I proposed bar food as an alternative. It'll have the same effect. Possibly without the negative feeling attached. I'm not totally sure, since I haven't had bar food in a long time.


Sep 10, 2014
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I notice the feeling even with one meal. Though I realize they do help when used right. Which is why I proposed bar food as an alternative. It'll have the same effect. Possibly without the negative feeling attached. I'm not totally sure, since I haven't had bar food in a long time.
Yeah it's going to temporarily increase inflammation, water retention and your body likely isn't going to like it very much...sometimes I notice loose stool and a blah feeling the day after where I don't even want to eat anything, which actually helps since the day that follows is a full fast day for me haha


Sep 10, 2014
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OP, also be careful with broths...many of them are really high in sodium which tends to retain water and will hamper your weight loss efforts.
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Master Don Juan
Jun 10, 2020
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It depends entirely on what you get from fast food chains. There are healthier options at all of them. McDonalds has decent wraps and salads, Wendy’s has good chili, Taco Bell has veggie tacos, Panda Express has grilled chicken and rice bowls, Chick Fil-A has grilled chicken Sandwiches and Nuggets, etc etc. However, I think KFC ditched their grilled chicken due to poor sales.

Funny story- I was on the beach in Jersey last summer. About ten teenagers show up with Popeyes and sit about 15 feet from me. They eat for a bit, then head down to the water. They left all their food open and the seagulls came swarming in. The birds gorged on the biscuits, looking like complete junkies eating it. Then the seagulls hovered over the chicken, smelled it, looked at it funny, then flew off.
None of these are healthy they all cook with canola oil or use soybean oil in sauces and seasonings


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
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None of these are healthy they all cook with canola oil or use soybean oil in sauces and seasonings
The items listed are “healthier” if one is in a bind and decides to eat out. As for canola oil and soybean oil- there is no such thing as “healthy” added fat. They both have a “healthier”cardiovascular fat profile compared to butter, lard, margarine, coconut oil, and palm oil.

The healthiest fats are naturally occurring plant-based, polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fat. (Fish omega 3 comes from algae)


Don Juan
Apr 25, 2023
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I’ve eaten pretty clean for a while. I eat a lot of bone broth soups which make me feel amazing - otherwise it’s eggs, veg etc. seafood.

I had a seriously stressful day and as I often do after, I had junk food, for about a day and a half. kFC, McDonald’s, subway.

It’s only when you’re not used to it you see what absolute trash it is. I feel like I have a 10 pint hangover. I feel lethargic, depressed. I am having to drink water as I feel like so much salt has dried me out. I have a constant low grade headache.

You do start to wonder whether these massive brands are trying to make people ill, or at least low energy and easy to manage. Perhaps they are farming humans with big pharma ready to offer the pills for the ineviateble disease. Possible a conspiracy theory too far. Whatever the weather, even if it’s the much more likely play on evolutionary need for salt sugar and fat to line their pockets at our expense, this food is poison.

I’ve noticed this before and bizzarely I’ve found McDonalds being the best of a bad bunch. I don’t feel sick after but KFC consistently makes me feel like I’ve drank 2 bottle of whisky.

I’m currently making a bone broth soup with fresh veg to try to purge this.

Bottom line is that fast food - especially the big global brands, should be considered in the same league as smoking and drinking. Only after abstinence I realise it’s utter poison.
Yeah I hear you totally. I do low carb with intermittent fasting. When I cheat and eat something bad for me not only do I feel like crap but I get inflammation in my back and joints. No Bueno.


Don Juan
May 16, 2022
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I feel you brother and also can really relate to @DonJuanjr comment about the forgetful cycle. Maybe we become complacent with good habits-damn that sounds weird-and need to fail from time to time, to get back in the saddle again and surpass yourself once again. All in the name of growth. Or maybe its detrimental to slip up? We all have different levels of willpower and all attain growth differently. Isn't it wonderful?
Keep that chest freezer stacked up with a side of grass fed butcher beef so you always have absolute top tier food to fall back on.


Dec 30, 2022
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People talk alot about fast foods, which is 100% True. Its complete junk and horrible for you. Ultimately leads to clogged arteries, risk of heart disease, stroke, liver issues, diabetes, you name it.

But one thing people don't talk abot as much which is one of the most unhealthiest things is sitting too much in one place. This slows down our heart rate and circulation so greatly.. and our blood is literally everything, our cardiovascular health is everything. Its what pumps nutrients and oxygen to the rest of our body, our organs, etc. When you sit too much, your brain and body is constantly in this rest state. It starts thinking u need less weight, less nutrients , less energy, and it basically jus starts making everything weaker.. all your organs.

Thats why i always tell anyone who has a desk job, be careful.. make sure u move around alot, and offset all the sitting with alot of excercise and walking and healthy activities.

I brought one of my friends a standing desk because of this .. was a game changer for them. I should have one myself honestly but I dont sit for prolonged periods.


Sep 10, 2014
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People talk alot about fast foods, which is 100% True. Its complete junk and horrible for you. Ultimately leads to clogged arteries, risk of heart disease, stroke, liver issues, diabetes, you name it.

But one thing people don't talk abot as much which is one of the most unhealthiest things is sitting too much in one place. This slows down our heart rate and circulation so greatly.. and our blood is literally everything, our cardiovascular health is everything. Its what pumps nutrients and oxygen to the rest of our body, our organs, etc. When you sit too much, your brain and body is constantly in this rest state. It starts thinking u need less weight, less nutrients , less energy, and it basically jus starts making everything weaker.. all your organs.

Thats why i always tell anyone who has a desk job, be careful.. make sure u move around alot, and offset all the sitting with alot of excercise and walking and healthy activities.

I brought one of my friends a standing desk because of this .. was a game changer for them. I should have one myself honestly but I dont sit for prolonged periods.
I have a standing desk for this reason. Studies have shown the number one risk for all cause mortality is the amount of time you spend sitting down.

They found it has to do with the way your body keeps tabs on things so to speak. When you are standing and putting weight on your leg bones, it sends a signal to the brain to let it know how much you weigh and then it can do whatever it needs to with this information...mostly regulating things like cholesterol, etc.

When you sit too long, the body "forgets" how much it weighs and basically throws this self-regulation out of whack. If this happens on an everyday basis, it becomes a huge issue as your body has these negative things happening daily.

But even for those who can't get a standing desk, they found simply getting up once an hour and walking for 5 minutes is enough to send this signal to your brain and keep it happy.

Moral of the story...get up and move more and sit less.


Dec 30, 2022
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I have a standing desk for this reason. Studies have shown the number one risk for all cause mortality is the amount of time you spend sitting down.

They found it has to do with the way your body keeps tabs on things so to speak. When you are standing and putting weight on your leg bones, it sends a signal to the brain to let it know how much you weigh and then it can do whatever it needs to with this information...mostly regulating things like cholesterol, etc.

When you sit too long, the body "forgets" how much it weighs and basically throws this self-regulation out of whack. If this happens on an everyday basis, it becomes a huge issue as your body has these negative things happening daily.

But even for those who can't get a standing desk, they found simply getting up once an hour and walking for 5 minutes is enough to send this signal to your brain and keep it happy.

Moral of the story...get up and move more and sit less.
Was actually going to tag you so you can attest to it since you're also quite knowledgeable on the topics of fitness, health, nutrition, biology. but yep.. you got it. Definitely need to hit you up anytime I have some questions on things or need some clarification on some things.

I also seen your supplement post. I used to be huge on supplements. had a pantry stocked with a ton of stuff. Nowadays I dont buy too much and get alot of what I need from whole foods/fruits/veg. but I do have some staples I might have mentioned. You def know your stuff though.


Sep 10, 2014
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Was actually going to tag you so you can attest to it since you're also quite knowledgeable on the topics of fitness, health, nutrition, biology. but yep.. you got it. Definitely need to hit you up anytime I have some questions on things or need some clarification on some things.

I also seen your supplement post. I used to be huge on supplements. had a pantry stocked with a ton of stuff. Nowadays I dont buy too much and get alot of what I need from whole foods/fruits/veg. but I do have some staples I might have mentioned. You def know your stuff though.
Thanks bro, I try to have a pretty wide knowledge base of various things, mainly because I am curious about lots of things and how they effect the body. Probably helps that I grew up with a Dad who was huge on herbs and homeopathic stuff and a Mom who was in medical research so I used to read studies in journals like most kids read comic books growing up when I'd go to her workplace during breaks or the summertime or when she would bring them home, so I have kind of been involved in some way with this my entire life.

I admittedly can't read everything, but I try to read 5-10 new studies a week about various things.

My supplement stacks have dwindled quite a bit too over the years. Most of mine now focus on certain areas when I feel I need improvement in those places. My default state if I let my body do it's own thing is to be "husky" as I was described growing up but unfortunately some state of insulin resistant. I have to be on my diet far more than most people I know. Literally can gain 10-12 lbs a month if I just let it go. Which is why I have had to really figure out efficient ways to drop pounds quickly as I tend to put on weight in the winter(my own fault). Something I will be working diligently at preventing this year.

I also have used my body as a guinea pig to test a lot of things out over the last 25 years or so. Some good, some bad, some ugly. But it's taught me a lot about how my body works and what it needs.


Master Don Juan
Aug 17, 2017
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I did 6 months no carb (since October) then kinda indulged, then another month no carb, then a few weeks ago indulged in all the carbs, sugar and fast food I could eat. I felt fat although everyone said I looked the same. It's an internal disgust I feel, so I am back on 0 carb (except from fruit/veg) until August.

It's an internal battle you have to fight, when I completely abstain there are no cravings, when I have a "cheat meal" or whatever the cravings can creep in. I prefer to give myself a few months without then indulging, realise why I didn't want this crap in the first place, then cut it out again.