Just Witnessed a girl laugh at some Dude who tried to approach her


Jan 17, 2020
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So I'm sitting in the mall having my coffee, there is a cute girl in tight black yoga pants. She's sitting down while her friend is ordering food on the other side of the food court.

Here is where i witness a slightly chubby guy walking up to her, for some reason he is swinging his arms as he walks and looking sttaight at her. She sits down and he tried to mumble something to her.

She let off a loud "oh" sound, and started laughing at him.
He put his head down and walked back to his friend and they walked off together.

Cold approach can sometimes be brutal, lesson learnt from this. Wait for women to give you IOI's/Choosing Signals before you approach them.

Also focus on projecting confident body language and tone when you approach.


Oct 29, 2020
Reaction score
So I'm sitting in the mall having my coffee, there is a cute girl in tight black yoga pants. She's sitting down while her friend is ordering food on the other side of the food court.

Here is where i witness a slightly chubby guy walking up to her, for some reason he is swinging his arms as he walks and looking sttaight at her. She sits down and he tried to mumble something to her.

She let off a loud "oh" sound, and started laughing at him.
He put his head down and walked back to his friend and they walked off together.

Cold approach can sometimes be brutal, lesson learnt from this. Wait for women to give you IOI's/Choosing Signals before you approach them.

Also focus on projecting confident body language and tone when you approach.
that was mean of her


Master Don Juan
Jul 12, 2004
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This is going to happen to them a lot in 2021 and beyond. They are advocating approaching men now. Use the "I have a girlfriend" line or LJBF. Or simply a no and a guffaw will suffice.


Jan 17, 2020
Reaction score
This is going to happen to them a lot in 2021 and beyond. They are advocating approaching men now. Use the "I have a girlfriend" line or LJBF. Or simply a no and a guffaw will suffice.
Well women should be thr ones chasing in the first place, who was it that decided men have to be the ones to chase? In the animal kingdom a lot of the time the females are the ones that chase. Like with male bees, they exist just to reproduce while the females do all the work.


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
Reaction score
So I'm sitting in the mall having my coffee, there is a cute girl in tight black yoga pants. She's sitting down while her friend is ordering food on the other side of the food court.

Here is where i witness a slightly chubby guy walking up to her, for some reason he is swinging his arms as he walks and looking sttaight at her. She sits down and he tried to mumble something to her.

She let off a loud "oh" sound, and started laughing at him.
He put his head down and walked back to his friend and they walked off together.

Cold approach can sometimes be brutal, lesson learnt from this. Wait for women to give you IOI's/Choosing Signals before you approach them.

Also focus on projecting confident body language and tone when you approach.
Lmfao. Not sure if cereal?

My mate opened a set and a fat girl randomly tried to fight him. On rsd nation, a kid opened a set and got bottled randonly. The guy had shards of glass in his face and a series of stiches.

Pickup is a savage ***** but so is this life. Grow a pair. Man up. "Strap on the big boy pants."- JB

Women are flooded with free attention. They got affirmative action, Derick jaxn, Oprah and beta cucks sing their praise about **** not stinking.

Real talk, she's a broken rubber and big Mac away from expired. Life trolls women harder than you or I ever could.

She wakes up one day and gets slob dropped back into reality post wall. TRASH. There is no do over or running It back. It's over. The culture is banking on female logic and stupidity.

You can step up. Or not. Youtube Jordan Peterson pickup. There's one in a auditorium. He talks about the approach and the man becoming desensitized after fifty. Like, you are literally numb to rejection.

All you or I want to know is who is coming home! Act accordingly.

"get better. Not bitter" - JB


Senior Don Juan
May 6, 2020
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Well women should be thr ones chasing in the first place, who was it that decided men have to be the ones to chase? In the animal kingdom a lot of the time the females are the ones that chase. Like with male bees, they exist just to reproduce while the females do all the work.
Lol, but male bees get ripped to death after mating


New Member
Dec 3, 2020
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Well women should be thr ones chasing in the first place, who was it that decided men have to be the ones to chase? In the animal kingdom a lot of the time the females are the ones that chase. Like with male bees, they exist just to reproduce while the females do all the work.
This is true. Women must give men non verbal signs first. They must make the first move which is choosing us by displaying sexual attraction signals through her body language. Once a man notices these signs, he must act by talking to her. Not the other way around.

Blindly trying to pick up a girl who's never showed sexual attraction signals is a waste of time and effort.


New Member
Dec 3, 2020
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If you wait for signals you can wait forever
If you know how to read them, you don't have to wait forever. Once you learn it, it's easy to spot them.

Sexual attraction, you build it on the spot.
I'm not interested in trying to create something from nothing. It's too much work. It's easier to find an interested girl and then talk to her and to escalate the interaction rather than trying to create attraction from her.

I'm with @Pook and @Anti-Dump on this matter.

This is Anti-Dump's MACHINE. Anti-Dump was interested in filtering out the non-interested chicks and finding the one he wanted. This is why Anti-Dump was not Doc Love. Doc Love was interested in boosting a female's interest level through using challenge and such. Anti-Dump wasn't interested in boosting women's interest levels; he only wanted a chick for himself. His 'machine' was not to make women interested, it was to separate the wheat from the chaff.


Anti-Dump and Interest Level

If you asked Anti-Dump, “What ought I to do to please the women?” he would reply:

“What! Please the women? Stop looking from the perspective of the woman and start looking at what pleases YOU.”

This is where most guys get Anti-Dump wrong. These guys (Speed Seductionists, etc.) keep trying to CREATE romantic interest. “I will give the women a chance to get to know me.” Anti-Dump isn’t interested in CREATING interest because it has to already be there. This confuses many.

Let us say a cool guy uses Anti-Dump’s Machine. He finds a girl that loves him. Now let us say a bum on the street uses Anti-Dump’s Machine. He finds no girl that loves him.

“See! See! His Machine doesn’t work!”

Fools! You are placing the success on obtaining women, not on obtaining INTERESTED women. It is not a black and white world of “Success = Having Women” and “Failure = Staying Single.” No, it is “Success= Not being attached to UNINTERESTED women.” and “Failure = Being attached to an UNINTERESTED women.” Being in an unhappy marriage is worse than being single.

In both the cool guy and the bum’s examples, Anti-Dump’s Machine worked. The Machine is not to get you a woman, its purpose is to WEED OUT uninterested women. If you are the street bum, no women will be interested in you. The machine is not the failure, the man is.


May 2, 2010
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Lmfao. Not sure if cereal?

My mate opened a set and a fat girl randomly tried to fight him. On rsd nation, a kid opened a set and got bottled randonly. The guy had shards of glass in his face and a series of stiches.

Pickup is a savage ***** but so is this life. Grow a pair. Man up. "Strap on the big boy pants."- JB

Women are flooded with free attention. They got affirmative action, Derick jaxn, Oprah and beta cucks sing their praise about **** not stinking.

Real talk, she's a broken rubber and big Mac away from expired. Life trolls women harder than you or I ever could.

She wakes up one day and gets slob dropped back into reality post wall. TRASH. There is no do over or running It back. It's over. The culture is banking on female logic and stupidity.

You can step up. Or not. Youtube Jordan Peterson pickup. There's one in a auditorium. He talks about the approach and the man becoming desensitized after fifty. Like, you are literally numb to rejection.

All you or I want to know is who is coming home! Act accordingly.

"get better. Not bitter" - JB
lol same. I've had some pretty bad things happen in the past through no fault of my own. Not like I was some uncalibrated weirdo when i approached or anything. It's just the way some girls are, especially in certain cultures. (and I did get laid some too)
I live in the UK (where it seems that talking to strangers is already considered a bit weird compared to the US)
I also live in a slightly 'chavvy' violent area.

I once smiled at a girl through a window (hot girl seemed to be by herself) and was about to approach her when her GIANT of a boyfriend turned up out of nowhere (some black guy. About 6ft 8?) who had a crazy look in his eye and was close to caving my head in for looking at his girl lol

Another time I opened a really hot girl in the street and said ''hi! I like your hat'. She was nice, but her fat friend immedittely freaked out like 'Why are you talking to her!!? You don't know her! **** off!! she's out of your league you ugly prick!!'' bla bla bla. Ended up in me strangling some white knight who jumped in to be a hero as me and her were arguing (I told her she was too ugly to be so rude and that she was jealous of her hot friend getting attention and she freaked out and tried swinging at me, so when I held her off, some skinny little dude jumped in so I had to throttle him)

Another time some hot girl danced super close to me despite there being tonnes of room on the dancefloor, so I took this as an IOI. Danced up on her and she PUSHED me as hard as she possibly could lmao. Was so embarrasing!

Another time my friend who lives in a much nicer area was visting me for the night and he approached 2 really hot teens who were seated, and he got a ****ing brutal rejection lol. He was so shocked!! haha

There's lots more. Nightgame in the UK can be brutal unless you're blessed with very good looks
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Jan 17, 2020
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When I see a girl I like I go talk to her, signals or not. Sexual attraction, you build it on the spot.
And how many of those were you able to convert into dates? It's all fine and dandy to approach but if you get nowhere, well what exactly is the point?

You can step up. Or not. Youtube Jordan Peterson pickup. There's one in a auditorium. He talks about the approach and the man becoming desensitized after fifty. Like, you are literally numb to rejection.
If mass cold approaching has been working for you, why are you still single?


May 2, 2010
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Why would approaching a girl who didn't send signal or didn't saw you be a waste of energy and time?
Just because it's very likely she's not attracted to you and that's why she didn't give any sort of IOI. So you'd be wasting your time trying to 'game' her
Most girls will give an IOI if they're interested in you - even if it's very subtle (one should still be able to pick up on them with experience)

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
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This guy made 3 mistakes, all of them before the actual approach.

He didnt correctly assess his SMV.

He didnt get himself in shape.

He didnt realize how things work nowadays.


Master Don Juan
Aug 30, 2020
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I never had that happened to me and with due respect I disagree that you have to wait for a signal to act upon it.

You have a lot of girls who are shy are won't even make an eye contact because she's shy but when you approach her she opens up.

Also most women check out guys when you're not looking straight into her so you never know your chances unless you approach her.

Focal core

Master Don Juan
Dec 21, 2017
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You saw her but she didn't saw you (she running to work for example), you wait for signals? She's already gone. Doesn't make sense, sorry. Usually this "wait for signals" thing is for guys who are afraid to approach when it's risky, they approach but only if it's comfortable, they fear rejection (not saying it's your case though).
Why would approaching a girl who didn't send signal or didn't saw you be a waste of energy and time? Are you exhausted after an approach? how long does it usually take? 5mins? It's actually the opposite, you'll get better at approaching women. You see a girl you like, you just go talk to her, that's it.

If waiting for signals works for you, fine, but you miss good opportunities I think.
A girl will always notice the man that appealing to her, you see her always busy and running means the opposites.


Master Don Juan
Aug 30, 2020
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A girl will always notice the man that appealing to her, you see her always busy and running means the opposites.
He didn't meant when you two met and then she's "busy". What he meant is when you suddenly see her on the streets and she seems to be in a hurry before you approach,when she didn't have the time to notice you until you approached.

Focal core

Master Don Juan
Dec 21, 2017
Reaction score
I admire your courage, better spend it to something productive. Chasing girl that wont even notice you or no your existence are complete waste of time..

With girl its always the oppoaite, you wouldnt even knew she exist in the universe, next thing you know shes moving the mountains just so she could be near you and even in some cases retaliate back to you if you ignores her.

From my true experience.

Focal core

Master Don Juan
Dec 21, 2017
Reaction score
If you say so, I dated 9-10s like that.
If you did and bang her.. Its was her doing the job make it easier for you. so you could do your part.

With less experience man you wouldnt even notice it

bat soup

Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2020
Reaction score
So I'm sitting in the mall having my coffee, there is a cute girl in tight black yoga pants. She's sitting down while her friend is ordering food on the other side of the food court.

Here is where i witness a slightly chubby guy walking up to her, for some reason he is swinging his arms as he walks and looking sttaight at her. She sits down and he tried to mumble something to her.

She let off a loud "oh" sound, and started laughing at him.
He put his head down and walked back to his friend and they walked off together.

Cold approach can sometimes be brutal, lesson learnt from this. Wait for women to give you IOI's/Choosing Signals before you approach them.

Also focus on projecting confident body language and tone when you approach.
This reminds me of something I witnessed at a shopping centre a few years ago. I was sitting with some friends and a guy we knew (a very fat guy) went up to some girls at another table and said something to them. They weren't too brutal but looked shocked and he came back to our table. Someone asked him "what did you say" and he said something along the lines of that he told them he wanted to have an orgy with both of them.

When he left, one of the guys said "I wouldn't have said that" and someone else said "I wouldn't have said that to a 14 year old".