Are you guys actually worried about the coronavirus?

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Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
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Right behind you
I personally couldn’t give two ****s about getting infected tbh. Which is dumb because now that means I’m more prone to getting infected, but whatever.

I’m more so worried about my father. He’s a more ‘at-risk’ population, plus because I know he’s not gonna miss a day of work no matter what.

But that aside, are you guys actually worried? I’m only worried about the gym closing down not being able to buy food. But other than that, I really don’t give a damn lol


Master Don Juan
Mar 12, 2017
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H3ll no....

.....i'm ready to invest and buy up S&P 500 index funds and DJIA idex funds at deep discounts....

....the plebs will view this as the sky falling but I'm ready to capitalize on this opportunity...

....i was too young and broke in 2008/2009 when the market crashed so I missed out....I'm not gonna miss out this time....


Master Don Juan
Dec 14, 2019
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I am a little to be honest.From reading on the stories of people who got the virus some have lived and got through it so who knows....


Master Don Juan
Mar 12, 2017
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The landscape thus far:

* media pimping out doomsday narrative
* Supply chains based in China will slow down manufacturing
* people not traveling or spending money
* Oil beef between Russia and Saudi Arabia
* Travel ban with Europe
* Corporate debt bubble about to burst
* layoffs coming?

No doubt that, at the very least, a downturn is on the horizon....

Gents, now is the time to position yourselves to survive and thrive.....


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
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Right behind you
H3ll no....

.....i'm ready to invest and buy up S&P 500 index funds and DJIA idex funds at deep discounts....

....the plebs will view this as the sky falling but I'm ready to capitalize on this opportunity...

....i was too young and broke in 2008/2009 when the market crashed so I missed out....I'm not gonna miss out this time....
I was thinking the same, but I also know that this time might be different due to the bubble in China, and partially in the US. If this causes it to pop, it’ll just keep on declining and declining. Plus, a LOT of other people are thinking like you are, which means things will change before you realize what to do.
I am a little to be honest.From reading on the stories of people who got the virus some have lived and got through it so who knows....
Only 3% of people who get infected with it die, most of whom are from the older population. I’m young myself, so that lowers the risk for me. There was also a time about a month and a half ago where everyone in my immediate family, and even my dog, got sick. I was the very last one to get sick of them, and when I did, nothing really changed lol. My voice just got super deep and raspy like theirs, but I felt perfectly fine and was still going to the gym and everything, no change in strength or anything lol.
No more than I worry about getting the flu. In fact, I'm far less likely to suffer from this than from the flu. I've been sick 4 or 5 times in 50+ years. If my parents were still alive I'd be worried about them, but my biggest concern about Bat Flu is the public panic of stupid, weak, and dishonest people.
Yeah, I feel that. People are panic buying and everything, kinda annoying tbh. The Fed went ahead and pumped $1.5 trillion into the market yesterday, which raised it by 4%, after which it went back down to where it was initially after 2 hours, and only continued to decline from there. Just to put that into perspective of what that $1.5 trillion could have done:
- It’s 1.5x the amount needed to pay off ALL student loan debt across the US.
- It’s more than 4x what is needed to end world hunger.
- More than 7x what is needed for universal housing.

It’s literally just a Wall Street bailout. But even more than all that, they could’ve used that money to provide testing, treatment, care, bill/work reimbursement, food/shelter, etc. during this pandemic. But instead they, used it to save stocks. And failed, at that lmao

Like I’m not a socialist or anything, but that just screams “we only help the rich”.
The landscape thus far:

* media pimping out doomsday narrative
* Supply chains based in China will slow down manufacturing
* people not traveling or spending money
* Oil beef between Russia and Saudi Arabia
* Travel ban with Europe
* Corporate debt bubble about to burst
* layoffs coming?

No doubt that, at the very least, a downturn is on the horizon....

Gents, now is the time to position yourselves to survive and thrive.....
How would you suggest we do that?


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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I bought a couple of beers at the store while the aisles were all being cleared out. Did manage to get some essentials, wipes, and a lady was returning her large toilet paper-roll to customer service and I was next in line, and I just bought it right up, lol! Praise Jesus! The beer was good too. Plan to binge watch 24 later, I'm at 1:00 pm. Just feel more like a holiday-vacation vibe where I feel less guilty about just relaxing at home and having fun.

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Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2017
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they are keeping it very secretive in the UK, not one name has been released of the 11 who have died , its very suspicous, you would have thought a family member would have posted 'RIP GRANDAD" on social media by now


Master Don Juan
Mar 12, 2017
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How would you suggest we do that?
To be honest, I don't feel comfortable offering financial advice since everyone's situation is different.

I'm only stating my personal opinion on a public forum. And my personal opinion is that, for my personal situation, investing in index funds like the S&P 500 and Dow Jones is a safer choice for myself as opposed to buying individual stocks.

And I intend to hold for a long time, most likely until retirement.

Again, this is just my personal opinion and NOT financial advice.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 22, 2019
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I am not worried about the virus itself. I have multiple doctors in my family and when I asked them about this they said it was much ado about nothing. The problem that I see is that people are panicking. People are watching the idiots in the media stroking their death and destruction bonners and then they become retarded Meth addicted rats running around screaming that the sky is falling. For those that keep calm there are some opportunities to be had.


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
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Right behind you
And I intend to hold for a long time, most likely until retirement.
That’s a pretty ballsy move bro, I’m pretty sure WWIII is gonna happen within the next 10 years, likely within the next 7 imo. And when that **** goes, say goodbye to the money you’ve saved lol


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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this time might be different due to the bubble in China, and partially in the US. If this causes it to pop, it’ll just keep on declining and declining.
It will go back up eventually though, barring the great economic apocalypse. The only way to lose money is to buy high and sell low.

As for being worried about the coronavirus, nah, not for myself. The usual people who are at risk to the flu are at risk for this, so I don't want to contribute to spreading it. But I try to practice universal precautions anyway. I am a little concerned about the panic buying, they could cause shortages of items I want. People be crazy. I don't know why they're so focused on toilet paper right now lol. I had plenty to begin with, so I'm not worried about that.


Master Don Juan
Mar 12, 2017
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All the drama that we witnessed this week was just an appetizer.....

....Q1 2020 is over in a few weeks and companies have to report their quarterly earnings. I suspect a lot of companies will be reporting major losses....

* Disneyland will close for the remainder of March and is expected to lose around $200M.
* Hollywood studios delaying movie releases
* NBA suspended the remaining season
* Oil beef between Russia and Saudi Arabia could hurt our domestic oil sector in places like Texas

I suspect the market will drop more come April.

Die Hard

Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2009
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People be crazy. I don't know why they're so focused on toilet paper right now lol.
Toilet paper is the new gold hahaha!! :p

Black Widow Void

Master Don Juan
Feb 24, 2010
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I'd rather *live* a shorter life than *exist* in one for a little longer.
Statistically, we face a higher risk of a flu fatality and I plan to currently live my life as usual.

The biggest "fear" I have is this new observation that most Americans are being so gullible, panic-stricken and unable to base their reality on facts.

I never considered myself as some intellectual superior, but in view of recent status quo behavior, I'm starting to feel that way.


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
Reaction score
Right behind you
I'd rather *live* a shorter life than *exist* in one for a little longer.
Statistically, we face a higher risk of a flu fatality and I plan to currently live my life as usual.

The biggest "fear" I have is this new observation that most Americans are being so gullible, panic-stricken and unable to base their reality on facts.

I never considered myself as some intellectual superior, but in view of recent status quo behavior, I'm starting to feel that way.
People pussies. Just scared of every little thing.
* Oil beef between Russia and Saudi Arabia could hurt our domestic oil sector in places like Texas
Can you elaborate on this? From what I heard, Saudi Arabia is now broke lol


Master Don Juan
Mar 12, 2017
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Can you elaborate on this? From what I heard, Saudi Arabia is now broke lol
Saudi Arabia is capable of undercutting every nation in oil price. They can produce it cheaper and faster. Russia says it can survive with with oil prices at $25/barrel for years if necessary.

We dont know how long this oil war will last. But US oil producers cant compete with Saudi prices. If the oil war is protracted this could lead to layoffs and an economic downturn in states like Texas.

Which will drive down home prices in Texas. And if that happens then it presents an attractive real estate investment opportunity. There's an exodus of Californians fleeing Cali for Texas.

CA is slowly marching towards communism. Governor Gavin Newsom just issued an executive order allowing the state to seize privately owned hotels as quarantine and treatment sites if the Corona virus gets outta hand....

.....therefore the time has come for me to consider other states....
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Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
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I'm not highly worried about the virus itself. I'm worried more about the food and medicine supply. I'm doing a shop this morning. I accidentally overstocked on toilet paper a couple of months ago which is paying off now.

As for money, I still have the bulk of what I made selling my house 2 years ago in savings. I have investments if I need more. The government is also sending me money they owe me for my kid who wasn't claimed for 2 years. I'm good for money for a very long time.

There are things I could have in place a little better. I'm legal to own a firearm but don't currently have one. I want to hunt my own meat. I had a raccoon kill all my chickens last year, so I don't currently have that.

If worse comes to worse, I'll just dumpster dive fvck up orders from behind pizza shops (the things you learn when you deliver pizzas). America will have a hard time learning how to get out of their wasteful habits. I've been poor and lived without toilet paper, so bring it the fvck on.

I have my own water supply, I have a solar powered camper, and I'm gonna be just fine.

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
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Not necessarily about the virus in my case given that Im kinda youngish and healthy, more for my family members who are not.

Im also concerned about quarantines and limitations especially since I sometimes need to travel for work and Europe is now locked basically.

Im also going to take advantage of the markets, the S&P500 is a safe bet to me as many ETFs and stocks that I wanted to buy but thankfully didnt before.

I guess the world needed a reset.

I'm also one of the few europeans to own guns in case sh1t hits the fun seriously.
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