3rd Date- She did not feel comfortable giving out address?


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2018
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Gone out two times so far, two dinners, drinks.

Spent about 11 hours with her so far. Kissed first date, making out second, but not a lot of extracurricular touching.

Seems to be a more conservative girl. When we go to set up 3rd date, I mention that since she came up my area (a restaurant near me)last time (about 40 minutes away), I would come out to her house this time. At first, she said that sounds great. Then, some pause in texting. Then, says no offense I'm not sure if I feel comfortable giving out my address, but wanted to meet down in the city again. She did mention in the first date, she has had two strangers follow her home this year. Not sure if she is just extra paranoid or what.

I have not run into this in the past, and I certainly don't think I give off a creepy vibe whatsoever, so I think this is more her, than me. I'm pretty relaxed on dates.

A date in the city is close to both our works, but far from both of our places, so no sex will go down.

So far, I've just played it off like its no big deal and not press the issue.

What is my next move from here?


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
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Just relax, give her time and dont read too much into it. If she is still spending time with you its going to happen sooner or later.


Apr 25, 2016
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Go with the flow. Is there not a pub or something closer to where you live that you can go to so you are still in close proximity to your place?

The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
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this is girl is Funny! with a name and a number and google, anybody can find out the last 5 addresses you lived at, any phone number you might be associated with, if you own a house or not, your place of employment, voting records, your annual income, your email addresses, your social media accounts, names of people you lived with, all of your relatives, type of car you drive.

Maybe she wants to keep your dates public so she doesn't wind up on her back with her legs above her head!? :eek: Women are always indirect like this. Invite her to your house. If she says no to that and demands a public date then its about her being not ready to have sex.


Mar 6, 2017
Reaction score
Take a step back, maybe keep her in rotation a few more dates if you think there a chance to bang.


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
Reaction score
Gone out two times so far, two dinners, drinks.

Spent about 11 hours with her so far. Kissed first date, making out second, but not a lot of extracurricular touching.

Seems to be a more conservative girl. When we go to set up 3rd date, I mention that since she came up my area (a restaurant near me)last time (about 40 minutes away), I would come out to her house this time. At first, she said that sounds great. Then, some pause in texting. Then, says no offense I'm not sure if I feel comfortable giving out my address, but wanted to meet down in the city again. She did mention in the first date, she has had two strangers follow her home this year. Not sure if she is just extra paranoid or what.

I have not run into this in the past, and I certainly don't think I give off a creepy vibe whatsoever, so I think this is more her, than me. I'm pretty relaxed on dates.

A date in the city is close to both our works, but far from both of our places, so no sex will go down.

So far, I've just played it off like its no big deal and not press the issue.

What is my next move from here?

You are being a cuckk. Captain beta.

What part of ****king on 1st date don't you get?

Paying, dinner, etc is a great way to feed her, get her fat and then some deezed Brah smashes.

Begin pursuing other women. Let her hit you up but make it abundantly clear, not in the means #nextSet what one girl won't do, another one will.


Apr 25, 2016
Reaction score
You are being a cuckk. Captain beta.

What part of ****king on 1st date don't you get?

Paying, dinner, etc is a great way to feed her, get her fat and then some deezed Brah smashes.

Begin pursuing other women. Let her hit you up but make it abundantly clear, not in the means #nextSet what one girl won't do, another one will.
I tend to agree with you. Even throwing sex out of the equation, if the first 2 dates went very well and she still didnt give me the address to pick her up to save her from driving to me AGAIN.......well it would make me uncomfortable. Major red flag. She either is living with someone, she is ashamed of her living space, she doesnt see this going anywhere so she doesnt want you to know where she lives (chicks will take free meals from you and smile and put on a show if you let them)........I could go on and on.

I would NOT meet her someplace in the middle where I didnt at least have the opportunity to get her back to my place on a 3rd date. No way.

Find a place close to you, invite her to your place to meet up and go over together. If she doesnt feel comfortable about that, disappear. If she isnt willing to start investing romantically/sexually on date 3, my interest would plummet. And she is telling you that she isnt seeing you as a high value male that gets her panties wet when she thinks about you. So drop her if thats the case and move on.

Let some other dude put free food in her mouth and only get a case of blue balls in return.


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
Reaction score
I tend to agree with you. Even throwing sex out of the equation, if the first 2 dates went very well and she still didnt give me the address to pick her up to save her from driving to me AGAIN.......well it would make me uncomfortable. Major red flag. She either is living with someone, she is ashamed of her living space, she doesnt see this going anywhere so she doesnt want you to know where she lives (chicks will take free meals from you and smile and put on a show if you let them)........I could go on and on.

Not doing it right kuz.

Text location.

I lead. She follows or #nextSet!

No exception.

I have been doing pickup for the better part of a decade. Roosh is spot on about the shift in women from feminine to weaponized and masculine. Pace is everything.

You the man set pace. You run game. Every set is put through your funnel.

Stick to the script. Never break rules regardless of what society says nor her sex appeal.


1.I smash ASAP max 3 encounters.
2. I don't date
3. feminist women need not apply
4. Not in the mood means #nextSet
5. Only has guy friends means booty call
6. Prerequisite is feminine and submissive

Reframe is always your standards and expectations. If she is your gf, dresses like a *****, you downgrade to Netflix and chill.

I would NOT meet her someplace in the middle where I didnt at least have the opportunity to get her back to my place on a 3rd date. No way.
Get creative. Chick age 18 I crushed in a theater.

Pick dark corners, less not more population. Be spontaneous unapologetic, and bounce location. A huge IOI is women suggestion of changing location. Be that guy.

Find a place close to you, invite her to your place to meet up and go over together. If she doesnt feel comfortable about that, disappear. If she isnt willing to start investing romantically/sexually on date 3, my interest would plummet. And she is telling you that she isnt seeing you as a high value male that gets her panties wet when she thinks about you. So drop her if thats the case and move on.
Any sexual disinterest, combative mood swings or ****ty behavior is grounds for disregard as in, dead to me.

Guys forget the power in #nextSet!

Regardless of feelers, of sex or playing house.

Let some other dude put free food in her mouth and only get a case of blue balls in return.
I don't do dinner.

Game recognizes game playboys.

It's always nonchalant and indifference.

Coffee, tea, drinks, etc are key. Bounce from there. Esculate. Cultivation of gift for gab is money.


Master Don Juan
Jul 9, 2013
Reaction score
Then, says no offense I'm not sure if I feel comfortable giving out my address,
That's an extremely bad sign. Two dates and she's still treating you like a potential serial killer? Doesn't sound like it's going well in her mind (this most likely means she's nuts rather than reflecting on you)

A date in the city is close to both our works, but far from both of our places, so no sex will go down.
There's a high chance that was her excuse not to fvck you and she knew this part and banked on it.

Plan for how you'll have sex without getting into her place, whether hotel or motel or your place or in the back of a library lol.

Be patient, as long as she isn't horrible to date or costing you a million dollars there's no reason that possibly waiting til date 5-6 for sex is that bad (but don't commit/be exclusive or pass up opportunities with other girls for this either)

If its been 4+ dates and no ***** in sight and you're tired of waiting, it's time to move on


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2018
Reaction score
Op here and Thanks.

Interesting how it played out. I'll probably post another thread to get some more insight.

Picked her up from her work, then walked around a scenic part of the city. Made out, grabbed coffee, then burger (she pays)

Go to parking garage, make out, heavy petting this time, go to take off her belt, but she stops it there. All in all, I thought a really good time. Lots of IOI's, and she was engaged the entire time. Initiates holding my hand, keeps asking questions about me.

Three days later, I text her to set up another meet up.

Surprises me a bit here. Long story short, she is concerned with me just being on the tail end of my divorce (about 15 months ago), thinks no way I could be ready for a long term relationship and says its in her best interest for us not to meet up. A bummer, but it looks like this is where this one ends. ..

Have a ways to go, but I am improving. Thanks again.
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Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2016
Reaction score
Op here and Thanks.

Interesting how it played out. I'll probably post another thread to get some more insight.

Picked her up from her work, then walked around a scenic part of the city. Made out, grabbed coffee, then burger (she pays)

Go to parking garage, make out, heavy petting, go to take off her belt, but she stops it there. All in all, I thought a really good time. Lots of IOI's, and she was engaged the entire time. Initiates holding my hand, keeps asking questions about me.

Three days later, I text her to set up another meet up.

Surprises me a bit here. Long story short, she is concerned with me just being on the tail end of my divorce (about 15 months ago), thinks no way I could be ready for a long term relationship and says its in her best interest for us not to meet up. A bummer, but it looks like this is where this one ends. ..

Have a ways to go, but I am improving rapidly. Thanks again.
She wasn't ever that into you


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2018
Reaction score
Who is she to know if your ready or not.

I guess some other guy came into the picture
Too bad
Dont anwser that txt


Master Don Juan
Jul 9, 2013
Reaction score
Op here and Thanks.

Interesting how it played out. I'll probably post another thread to get some more insight.

Picked her up from her work, then walked around a scenic part of the city. Made out, grabbed coffee, then burger (she pays)

Go to parking garage, make out, heavy petting this time, go to take off her belt, but she stops it there. All in all, I thought a really good time. Lots of IOI's, and she was engaged the entire time. Initiates holding my hand, keeps asking questions about me.

Three days later, I text her to set up another meet up.

Surprises me a bit here. Long story short, she is concerned with me just being on the tail end of my divorce (about 15 months ago), thinks no way I could be ready for a long term relationship and says its in her best interest for us not to meet up. A bummer, but it looks like this is where this one ends. ..

Have a ways to go, but I am improving. Thanks again.
When a woman randomly instantly loses interest for no reason, usually another guy is in the picture. But Don't stick around or keep tabs on her to find out!


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
Reaction score
This is a bad sign OP.

Part of it was your approach. Never ask to go to her house. In her mind that's like asking to have sex with her.

You have to be indirect. Offer to take her out on a date, then say you will pick her up. When you drop her off, that's when you get inside.

I had a chick recently brag about how great of a cook she was. She invited me over to "pick up" some food she made. Needless to say, it was obviously an invitation to ****. Women who want you over will make it happen. Just don't make them feel like a slut.