What should i do with this flaky girl?

Monster DJ

Don Juan
Oct 25, 2017
Reaction score
She has a lot of orbiters because she's really hot.. we've gone out for a date couple of times, there's good chemistry between us... I've known her since last year but we just started seeing/talking with each other on a personal level since last month, we aren't really dating yet (i haven't f##kd her yet), but she thinks we are, by her actions (kino, sweet talk, phone calls saying she missed my voice and all that bullcrap etc). She gave me her Facebook and Instagram logins i didn't even ask.. i don't know if it's a strategy to keep me glued? because I have little money.. but then again she doesn't ask me for money.. gave her money to buy drinks and told her to keep the change which she obviously heard but she still gave me back the change which i rejected and said: it's yours. i gave you (reward for the kissing and blow job she gave me)

So my issue is:
1st flake.
We fix a date, i go to the place, give her one call and she doesn't pick up, i don't call, she don't call then after 3 days she calls apologizing with a very strong excuse.. then she makes another date, reaches the place before me and we both have fun with me thinking she isn't going to flake again..

2nd flake.
I'm supposed to pick her up from her house, then during the time for the date, she doesn't pick up her call again, i go home she calls bringing up ****ty excuses while I'm already losing interest.

3rd flake.
I'm supposed to pick her up from her house, then during the time for the date, she doesn't pick up my call, then she calls 25 minutes later, i didn't pick (wanted to see her interest level) she waited 5 minutes, then she called again the second time (i picked) saying she's not at home that she's at another place near home and I should come meet her there, after which i lied and said I never even came (of course i came but didn't reach her door though) that my call was just to confirm if she was still ready for me to come pick her up.. she then says I should come.. I made a U turn and reached her home again but she said "i thought you were coming to the place I'm at, i haven't reached home I'm still at the place, let's reschedule for tomorrow?" i then laughed and said : "oh.. thank Goodness i didn't even come, i would've wasted my effort haha, tommorow it is then"..

i haven't called her since then.. she's obviously not that interested.. what are your thoughts guys? how do i handle a girl like this that attract too much guys?


Apr 25, 2016
Reaction score
Maybe she is homeless with a cell phone.

Seriously, why waste time on her? The next time she reaches out just invite her over.

"Why dont you head over to my place around 7. This is the address".

From this point forward I wouldnt initiate ANYTHING with her (text, calls, etc). Your only response should be "Hey I am busy, why dont you head over to my place at 7".

Its a yes and she shows up or go back to only response mode. Every response from me would be "come over at ___".

If they act flaky, treat them like a wh0re and its sechs only. She is not worthy of you leaving the house for.


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
We fix a date, i go to the place, give her one call and she doesn't pick up, i don't call, she don't call then after 3 days she calls apologizing
Mate. For me, this is a hard next. No one wastes my time like that and takes three days to explain why.
with a very strong excuse
Did someone die? Was she bed ridden or hospitalised for some reason? Did she lose or break her phone or lose your number for some reason?
Anything other that these things is not a 'strong excuse' for not contacting you for three days after flaking.

You talk about her having orbiters; you're one of them, my friend. After the first sh!t show, she should have been gone - I don't care how hot she is. You've allowed her to do it twice more, and still try to make arrangements. That is the very definition of orbiting.

Grow some balls and find girls (yes plural), who value you and your time.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
Reaction score
Same as with any flaky girl...find more women, go on dates with them, and stop worrying about a woman who isn't all that interested in you.

Monster DJ

Don Juan
Oct 25, 2017
Reaction score
Mate. For me, this is a hard next. No one wastes my time like that and takes three days to explain why.

Did someone die? Was she bed ridden or hospitalised for some reason? Did she lose or break her phone or lose your number for some reason?
Anything other that these things is not a 'strong excuse' for not contacting you for three days after flaking.

You talk about her having orbiters; you're one of them, my friend. After the first sh!t show, she should have been gone - I don't care how hot she is. You've allowed her to do it twice more, and still try to make arrangements. That is the very definition of orbiting.

Grow some balls and find girls (yes plural), who value you and your time.
Nice analysis man.. thanks for your goodness of heart in sharing this.. I don't ever initiate after a flake.. you know I didn't initiate after she flaked, she then called and apologizes so much and makes up another date, after said date, i didn't initiate, she then goes on to call and says she misses my voice.. I had no idea i was orbiting unconsciously.. since we always had great time together and she always calls me back saying how much she misses me.. now i get it.. i have plenty options I've been stupid for letting her hotness deceive me..


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
...apologizes so much and makes up another date, after said date, i didn't initiate, she then goes on to call and says she misses my voice
No drama man. We've all been there. I hate to say it, but you sound a bit like a back up plan to this girl. Always, always judge actions over words. Even if she does always initate, she doesn't follow through. This is someone pretending to be interested, either for back up or attention-seeking/validation. It sounds liek you spend a lot of time on the phone as well, which is not really a good idea with any women that you're interested in.

The other lads will tell you demote her, and I agree to an extent. But that whole three day thing is so far beyond what is acceptable for me, I'd have a hard time even bothering to speak to her again. What was the excuse by the way, just out of curiosity? If you had banged her already, it might be a slightly different story; but unfortunately, it's not.

Don't worry man. There are a lot more hot birds out there, and a lot who will value you and won't waste your time like this.


Don Juan
Sep 30, 2017
Reaction score
No drama man. We've all been there. I hate to say it, but you sound a bit like a back up plan to this girl. Always, always judge actions over words. Even if she does always initate, she doesn't follow through. This is someone pretending to be interested, either for back up or attention-seeking/validation. It sounds liek you spend a lot of time on the phone as well, which is not really a good idea with any women that you're interested in.

The other lads will tell you demote her, and I agree to an extent. But that whole three day thing is so far beyond what is acceptable for me, I'd have a hard time even bothering to speak to her again. What was the excuse by the way, just out of curiosity? If you had banged her already, it might be a slightly different story; but unfortunately, it's not.

Don't worry man. There are a lot more hot birds out there, and a lot who will value you and won't waste your time like this.
I agree, either she's playing on you, you're her plate, you're one of her orbiters blah blah blah.

Just take a look at her actions, is that someone who you want to be with in the long run?

To me, that is an insult trying to flake you for several times, and it is always damn true that most hot women have a lot of orbiters, and this is one of the reasons why she kept doing it to you.

Always assume they are flaking on you because of their orbiters.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2014
Reaction score
USA, Louisiana
For whatever reason she really isn't interested in you. Her reasons are irrelevant, just walk away from her and go fun some fun chicks. This one is no fun. A chick doesn't flake on you three times unless she is trying to send you the message you should move on.

At this point, since you keep coming back after flaky behavior, she doesn't have any respect for you... therefore NOTHING you do will turn this around, just walk away and don't look back.


Master Don Juan
Jan 23, 2016
Reaction score
She isnt into you at all. You are à orbiter, à number, à stats for her

You didnt escalate, so she moved on

If she flake, her actions shows you are NOTHING for her

Actions speak louder than words

Just delete her everywhere (phone to internet etc), move on to the next girl

Trust me when you have another girl, you'll be laughing at yourself for ever caring about this loser girl

You have only one course of action: No Contact, Erase bridge, Move to next girl

Anything other than that.. you asking for pain


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2016
Reaction score
She has a lot of orbiters because she's really hot.. we've gone out for a date couple of times, there's good chemistry between us... I've known her since last year but we just started seeing/talking with each other on a personal level since last month, we aren't really dating yet (i haven't f##kd her yet), but she thinks we are, by her actions (kino, sweet talk, phone calls saying she missed my voice and all that bullcrap etc). She gave me her Facebook and Instagram logins i didn't even ask.. i don't know if it's a strategy to keep me glued? because I have little money.. but then again she doesn't ask me for money.. gave her money to buy drinks and told her to keep the change which she obviously heard but she still gave me back the change which i rejected and said: it's yours. i gave you (reward for the kissing and blow job she gave me)

So my issue is:
1st flake.
We fix a date, i go to the place, give her one call and she doesn't pick up, i don't call, she don't call then after 3 days she calls apologizing with a very strong excuse.. then she makes another date, reaches the place before me and we both have fun with me thinking she isn't going to flake again..

2nd flake.
I'm supposed to pick her up from her house, then during the time for the date, she doesn't pick up her call again, i go home she calls bringing up ****ty excuses while I'm already losing interest.
3rd flake.
I'm supposed to pick her up from her house, then during the time for the date, she doesn't pick up my call, then she calls 25 minutes later, i didn't pick (wanted to see her interest level) she waited 5 minutes, then she called again the second time (i picked) saying she's not at home that she's at another place near home and I should come meet her there, after which i lied and said I never even came (of course i came but didn't reach her door though) that my call was just to confirm if she was still ready for me to come pick her up.. she then says I should come.. I made a U turn and reached her home again but she said "i thought you were coming to the place I'm at, i haven't reached home I'm still at the place, let's reschedule for tomorrow?" i then laughed and said : "oh.. thank Goodness i didn't even come, i would've wasted my effort haha, tommorow it is then"..

i haven't called her since then.. she's obviously not that interested.. what are your thoughts guys? how do i handle a girl like this that attract too much guys?
After flake number 2 any chick no matter how many dates should be history.

The fact that she waited 3 days after the first date told you every thing you needed to know. Next. But given the benefit of the doubt you gave her a second chance. She blew it again.

Both flakes she never answered your call didn't respect your time or the plans you made. You should never have given her a chance to flake a third time.

You are in her frame. You make plans and she does what she wants to anyways, then she tells you to swing by the place she is at and rescheduled for the next day.

Dude she blew it after flake 2. Next her.

How do you handle the 9 or 10 that attracts too many guys? Simple. Treat her the same you would a 6 or 7.
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Monster DJ

Don Juan
Oct 25, 2017
Reaction score
Thanks for all the quality responses.. I'll never contact that loser ever again.. Now if she contacts me and comes to look for me? If we some how cross paths? should I just act busy and ignore i.e I'm rushing to somewhere now, I'll talk to you later.. or offer her to come to my house for a bang? but seriously i don't like her anymore, she seemed cool at first but now her flakyness makes her look disgusting to me.. because from the looks of things she doesn't want to be banged because she feels all guys after her are in it for the bang bragging rights i.e hey guys i banged that hot chicken.. so it's likely she wants ltr with cool guy like me (she gave me her fb password etc the orbiters there are insane 999+ friends request) while still enjoying the attention from orbiters while denying sex and only offers bj.. lol.. I'm done with that bs..


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2016
Reaction score
Thanks for all the quality responses.. I'll never contact that loser ever again.. Now if she contacts me and comes to look for me? If we some how cross paths? should I just act busy and ignore i.e I'm rushing to somewhere now, I'll talk to you later.. or offer her to come to my house for a bang? but seriously i don't like her anymore, she seemed cool at first but now her flakyness makes her look disgusting to me.. because from the looks of things she doesn't want to be banged because she feels all guys after her are in it for the bang bragging rights i.e hey guys i banged that hot chicken.. so it's likely she wants ltr with cool guy like me (she gave me her fb password etc the orbiters there are insane 999+ friends request) while still enjoying the attention from orbiters while denying sex and only offers bj.. lol.. I'm done with that bs..
You don't like her anymore so who cares.

I would treat it like this. You run into her on the street. You be friendly and polite, but give her 3 minutes and no more. You are busy. If she wants to see you again tell her to text you. And tell her if you have time, you will get back to her.

If she texts: if you never want to see her again. Ignore and delete the texts. Should you want to turn her into s FB, Then reply on your time and terms only. If she tries to make plans. You do not accept plans made by her. She is still trying to lead. You tell her you have a date for every suggestion. Tell her if you have time you will get back to her.

After you reject her multiple times and keep telling her if you have time, you will get back to her, this will show her she is not a priority in your life. This will drive her interest level up because she will want what she can't have.

Date other women. Then date more women. Then go date even more women. Then if you feel like making plans with her (fb only) you text her and say "hey im going to be at x place at x oclock. Meet me there. Do not ask. You take control. You lead.


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2009
Reaction score
You're a man with options. If one flakes, you move to the next one.


Apr 25, 2016
Reaction score
Thanks for all the quality responses.. I'll never contact that loser ever again.. Now if she contacts me and comes to look for me? If we some how cross paths? should I just act busy and ignore i.e I'm rushing to somewhere now, I'll talk to you later.. or offer her to come to my house for a bang? but seriously i don't like her anymore, she seemed cool at first but now her flakyness makes her look disgusting to me.. because from the looks of things she doesn't want to be banged because she feels all guys after her are in it for the bang bragging rights i.e hey guys i banged that hot chicken.. so it's likely she wants ltr with cool guy like me (she gave me her fb password etc the orbiters there are insane 999+ friends request) while still enjoying the attention from orbiters while denying sex and only offers bj.. lol.. I'm done with that bs..
I already told you.....dont turn down a bang if she is hot.

"Hey you. I am super busy right now. Come over to my place Thursday at 8. Here is the address. See you there". Then dont respond back if she does not say yes AND show up.

If she texts you 2 months from now: "Hey you. I am super busy right now and cant talk. Come over to my place Thursday at 8. Here is the addres. See you there".

Its not complicated. Honestly, it will probably RAISE her interest level because you are treating her like she has something to prove......treating her like no more than a smash. For many chicks, its game on to prove she is worth more.

Monster DJ

Don Juan
Oct 25, 2017
Reaction score
And if you have no other options, go find more!
I just reached home now, had mad kino and kissing with another option, this one values me and has high interest so I've legit already forgotten about this flaky beech.. although i have a strange number as missed call, I'm guessing it's she using a strange number to call me hahaha.. beech fokoff! i won't call back!

About if she brings a bang, bang!? I'm not dull, if i see an open leg i always hit of course with a cond0m.. but she does not want a bang (by her attitude, she only gives blowj0b), she's airhead and has this mentality (which is true hahaha) she has nothing to offer any real high quality guy except a bang thus she holds it as her most priced possession.. real shallow human being.. because her personality is just disgusting and no one will *truly* wants ltr with her type.. she has probably learn the hard way thus locking her hole from guys who wants to collect their share of the honey.. so beech needs someone she can test and test and test and use and use to have 100% assurance that this one is going to die for me and won't leave me after i have let him in.. lol just my thoughts.. she's not special.. don't know why orbiters making her feel special lol
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Senior Don Juan
Nov 4, 2009
Reaction score
Sometimes people have to cancel. I get that. Things come up. If that's the case, the person canceling needs to show respect by letting that person know whats up. If that doesn't happen or if somebody just keeps canceling it's not worth your time.


Apr 25, 2016
Reaction score
(Most) Women are total flakes. You have to learn to deal with it without getting worked up and mad.

If a woman flakes, just be cool about it and keep the line of communication open but do not chase. If flaking becomes a pattern with one particular woman, dismiss her but dont block her number.

Flaking happens for so many reasons and a lot have to do with her and not you. Dont burn the bridge but dont get sucked into her orbit when she just wants attention and has no plans of ever meeting up. Learning the difference between the 2 is key IMO.


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2016
Reaction score
So after umm the flake 4 days ago i went NC as advised, She just called few minutes ago and I didn't pick up and i swear as i was typing this, she has called again (i didn't still pick up).Thoughts?
Perfect.. stay NC. Stay the course.

The last thing you want to do is be available for this girl.