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    CERNs biggest discovery I'm not a physics nerd but I basically understand this allows us to assign matter to varoius particles. In layman terms, what does this actually allow us to do? What are the next steps?
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    How did all the sosuave spec stock punters go last night?

    Just out of curiosity.........? Given the carnage, I imagine liquidity on the bid would have been hard to find.....
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    More than a stock tip: Don't say I didn't tell you. :D
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    Chris Angel - Mindfreak

    I've been watching a bit of the guy lately. The way he appears to "tell the future" and predict what people are thinking is dazzling and I have been trying to work out how this is done, but my conclusions always draw a blank. Can anybody shed some light? It's obviously a trick of some kind...
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    For any Brazilians or any who love Brazilian music!?

    Hey guys, Which is your favourite Samba band or CD? I love this type of music, however am running out of songs to listen too. Any of you can recommand any good Samba music? Cheers
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    What is the point of this society? What do they actually do/did?
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    Pain up outside of leg (near shin) when running......

    Hi guys, Hopefully some of you can help....... I usually play futsal, but have recently started playing outdoor soccer again after many years. The problem I get (and it usually happens with new shoes), is when I begin running, I have a pain up the outside of my leg about the same length...