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  1. J

    FR: In Da Club

    MVPlaya, If you are 18, you are doing well. Just getting out there and trying means a lot. I don't frequent MASF but I am familiar with it and it's tactics. Some of my friends have prescribed to it for a time and have passed on what they learned from it on to me. I've found that some...
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    How does one handle a female psychologist?

    "I've found graduate Psychology students rarely know much about people (oddly enough)."-- NatureGuy Bingo. Krassus, I know quite a few people who are/were in psych at University of Cal (Berkeley). One of my best buddies was from that program. I'm going to let you in on a little secret...
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    FR: In Da Club

    MVPlaya, Nice, detailed field report. You're getting out there and putting your ass on the line, which is more than most people can say for themselves. Good for you. BTW, I'm from the Bay Area--been here over 3 years, but just accepted a job offer and will be leaving for NY soon. What club...
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    help me cuz I haven't got a fukkin clue with this one

    I would have flipped her around so that she was either missionary or doggy and then I would have fvcked her really hard up the bed until her head was LITERALLY banging against the headboard (or wall) and she would have to either explain to the caller wtf that sound is or get off the...
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    help me cuz I haven't got a fukkin clue with this one

    Jb, I agree with Prosemont that this is all part of LTRs, give or take a little, depending on what kind of girl you are dealing with. The bottom line is, our girl is immature and insecure. This is a volatile combination, as you are discovering. Don't worry, it's pretty standard for girls like...
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    how long will she mess with your head?

    As long as you let her. Jake
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    she's catching up w/ex over lunch

    Unlike 90% of the guys on this board, you sound like you have your shyt together. This situation is a sticky one. Like DankNuggs said, it's a catch 22. Based on the info you gave regarding your relationship, I think you have nothing to worry about. She's fvcking your brains out--that is...
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    Advice (What would you guys do)

    I am usually one to say you should use caution and straight thinking before making any assumptions--but in this particular case, I think you are fvcked. The thing is, you've been together a LONG time. She is showing signs of getting antsy (her meeting this guy and cultivating a so-called...
  9. J

    Girl wants me to go on fake date with her!

    I also think you should turn her down for Valentines Day. Just simply tell her you appreciate the offer, but you already have plans on Valentine's Day. Don't elaborate any more than that. Then take her out the next night (waiting two weeks is overdoing it) and make her inspect your ceiling...
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    Another nice failure(lesson) here/real chat convo included!

    "yes it's possible to create attraction."--Viking25 Oh really? So a 350 Lb warpig could creat attraction in you if she were to simply follow a prescribed set of dating rules such as: -Not spending too much time with you on the first week. Letting attraction grow. -Acting like a WOMAN...
  11. J

    Another nice failure(lesson) here/real chat convo included!

    Lessons learnt: 1.Don't spend everyday with her first week! Let attraction grow! 2.Girls like MEN, not wussies. Credit goes to Pimp-sicle and PuertoRican_Lover. 3.Don't get TOO caught up in playing everything by the "rules" you've learned.Another credit to Pimp-sicle! 4.Chalenge is a strong...
  12. J

    new asian

    Re: It's cultural. Uh, no offense, but I don't think you can compare the social situation of contemporary asian americans to that of blacks and hispanics. Asian americans are currently among the most affluent and most wealthy demographic in america. In short, most of them are loaded and...
  13. J

    Girl is slow to give it up. What do I do?

    This is pretty clear cut. Bottom line--she likes you, but is afraid. She's only 19, dude. She's one of those rare girls who hasn't actually fvcked the whole football team by age 16. She doesn't seem shady at all to me. I think she's being honest with you. I agree with your friend, she's just...
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    new asian

    naturalzen, I understand you are probably outnumbered by whites in a place that isn't known for it's diversity--so you are feeling the racial tension. I know people from the mideast can be pretty blockheaded. And I also realize there is a racial stereotype against asian men in this country...
  15. J

    rules after 3 months

    Are you kids joking? This is not the Battle of the Bulge, you morons. "Remain a challenge. Keep up the c&f. Steer aft rudder 36 degrees to port. blah blah blah" You sound like you're planning a goddamn bombing run on Nagasaki. The "rules" are helpful if you're a completely clueless imbecile...
  16. J

    How about a game of chess......... With God!!! (My theory of life)

    Perhaps you should ask the families of the 28,000 people who died in the earthquake in Iran what they think of this "fun little game God concocted", according to you. Not trying to diss you, and I actually get your point, but I have to point out that for some people in the world, life isn't...
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    New GF Showing Frigid Tendencies -- And Then??

    Alonso, No offense, but your girl sounds like a bit of a weirdo. 1. 30 yrs old and doesn't like sex? BIG Red Flag. 2. 30 yrs old and still lives with parents?? Red Flag. 3. 30 yrs old and has very little sexual experience? Red Flag, or she's lying. What country is she from and...
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    New GF Showing Frigid Tendencies -- And Then??

    Wrong. You are already on the track to fvcking this up. Do NOT fall into the role of trying to CONVINCE her to have sex with you. Sex is something that gives mutual satisfaction--for both her and you--not something you have to CONVINCE a girl to do with you. Especially your gf. You need to...
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    what the heck?

    32swf, why are you putting up with this? You WANT a monogamous guy, but he isn't that guy. So why are you compromising yourself? I know so many women just like you who are lonely and afraid to be alone, so they settle for any guy who comes along. No offense, but your guy sounds like a puzzy...
  20. J

    Going out with girl tomorrow

    Becker, no offense, but you are handling this in a really pathetic way. You have pretty much driven this one downhill from the beginning with your overstrategizing. I honestly think YOU are the AFC here in the way you are acting. You act claim she doesn't mean much to you, but in fact you are...